Team leader: dr hab. Dariusz Walencik, prof. UO
Professor: dr hab. Ewa Kozerska, prof. UO
Professor: dr hab. Paweł Sobczyk, prof. UO
Professor: dr hab. Andrzej Szymański, prof. UO
Assistant: dr Katarzyna Pluta
The subject of the Team’s research is primarily issues arising at the interface of legal sciences (law and canon law), religious studies and theology concerning the rights and obligations arising from freedom of conscience and religion, as well as domestic and international regulations for its protection. While law is most often associated with the state, many religions also have internal law (canon law), sometimes forming an elaborate system. These internal legal norms aim to define the behaviour of the members of these religious communities. They, therefore, play a special role in conflicts arising today between certain religious forms of behaviour and actions prescribed, prohibited or permitted by state or international law. The study of the relationship between state law and the domestic law of religious associations identifies and clarifies similarities and differences between heterogeneous religious legal traditions and the state legal order in the context of pluralistic forms of state-religious association relations.
The research team cooperates with leading research centres at home and abroad, including the Department of Confessional Law of the Catholic University of Lublin, Department of Confessional Law of the University of Warsaw, Department of Ecclesiastical and Confessional Law of the Jagiellonian University, Department of Confessional and Concordat Law of the University of Warsaw (UKSW), Department of Canon Law and Confessional Law of the University of Warsaw (UWM), Department of Confessional and Canon Law of the ChAT, Trnavská Univerzita v Trnave, Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, Pontificia Università Gregoriana a Roma, West Ukrainian National University (Ternopil).