Research teams

Research teams

Research teams formed to organize and conduct scientific research in the discipline of legal sciences

Team leader: dr. hab. Alicja Jagielska-Burduk, prof. UO
Professor: dr hab. Anna Frankiewicz-Bodynek, prof. UO
Professor: dr hab. Piotr Stec prof. UO
Professor: dr hab. Marta Woźniak prof. UO
Adjunct: dr Mateusz Pszczyński

The Team brings together national and international lawyers dealing with the legal protection of cultural property. It is currently the only UNESCO Chair in Law in Poland and one of several dealing with this issue worldwide. As part of its activities, the Team cooperates with, among others, analogous chairs at the University of Geneva, University of Technology Sydney and Renmin University Beijing. The Team participates as experts in developing international, European and national legislation on cultural property. The Centre’s activities include the publication of the SCOPUS-Indexed international journal Santander Art & Culture Law Review.

Team leader: dr Katarzyna Biczysko-Pudełko
Professor: dr hab. Piotr Stec, prof. UO
Adjunct: dr Tomasz Tomczak

The research team focuses on broadly understood digital law and computational legal studies, particularly the applicability of computer-aided (computational) methods in legal sciences. In addition to conducting theoretical and legal research, the Team aims to promote knowledge in this ever-evolving area of law—hence, the team members undertake ongoing cooperation with other research centres at home and abroad and with legal authorities.

Team leader: dr hab. Dariusz Walencik, prof. UO
Professor: dr hab. Ewa Kozerska, prof. UO
Professor: dr hab. Paweł Sobczyk, prof. UO
Professor: dr hab. Andrzej Szymański, prof. UO
Assistant: dr Katarzyna Pluta

The subject of the Team’s research is primarily issues arising at the interface of legal sciences (law and canon law), religious studies and theology concerning the rights and obligations arising from freedom of conscience and religion, as well as domestic and international regulations for its protection. While law is most often associated with the state, many religions also have internal law (canon law), sometimes forming an elaborate system. These internal legal norms aim to define the behaviour of the members of these religious communities. They, therefore, play a special role in conflicts arising today between certain religious forms of behaviour and actions prescribed, prohibited or permitted by state or international law. The study of the relationship between state law and the domestic law of religious associations identifies and clarifies similarities and differences between heterogeneous religious legal traditions and the state legal order in the context of pluralistic forms of state-religious association relations.

The research team cooperates with leading research centres at home and abroad, including the Department of Confessional Law of the Catholic University of Lublin, Department of Confessional Law of the University of Warsaw, Department of Ecclesiastical and Confessional Law of the Jagiellonian University, Department of Confessional and Concordat Law of the University of Warsaw (UKSW), Department of Canon Law and Confessional Law of the University of Warsaw (UWM), Department of Confessional and Canon Law of the ChAT, Trnavská Univerzita v Trnave, Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, Pontificia Università Gregoriana a Roma, West Ukrainian National University (Ternopil).

Team leader: dr hab. Paweł Sobczyk, prof. UO
Professor: dr hab. Andrzej Szymański, prof. UO
Professor: dr hab. Dariusz Walencik, prof. UO

The Centre conducts interdisciplinary research on the status of the individual. Constitutional and international guarantees of human rights, based on their inherent dignity, require in-depth scientific reflection, above all with regard to the realisation of freedoms and rights, i.e., their real security and the possibility of knowing and exercising them, so that they are not merely ‘theoretical and illusory’ but ‘practical and effective’.

The research team is collaborating with Babes-Bolyai University (Romania), Central European Academy (Hungary), Masaryk University (Czech Republic), Pan-European University (Slovakia), University of Miscolc (Hungary), University of Novi Sad (Serbia), University of Zagreb (Croatia), University of Maribor (Slovenia), Academy of Military Art (Poland), Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland)

Team leader: dr hab. Michalina Duda-Hyz, prof. UO 
Adiunct dr Andrzej Michór
Adiunct dr Piotr Stanisławiszyn
Adiunct dr Rafał Chybiński

The Centre was established at the Department of Economic and Financial Law in the Institute of Legal Studies. Its main task is to conduct scientific research in customs law, excise tax, gambling law, and gambling taxation. The Centre also aims to deepen cooperation with other research centres conducting scientific research in these areas, as well as with tax administration authorities, Totalizator Sportowy Sp. z o.o., and representatives of the excise and gambling industry.

Team leader: dr hab. Piotr Sadowski, prof. UO
Professor: dr hab. Andrzej Szymański, prof. UO

The main current research fields of the Team are: food quality in antiquity – historical and legal aspects (Piotr Sadowski), and the religion throughout history (Andrzej Szymański).

The Team cooperates with the Balkan Association of Roman Law and Roman Legal Tradition ‘Societas pro Iure Romano’, the Iberoamerican Association of Roman Law (AIDROM), the Asociación Iberoamericana de Derecho Romano (AIDROM), the Catholic Association Civitas Christiana (Opole Branch) and the Institute of National Remembrance (IPN Branch in Opole).

Team leader: dr Hanna Duszka-Jakimko
Professor: dr hab. Alicja Jagielska-Burduk, prof. UO

The Centre, in close cooperation with a non-governmental organisation – the La Strada Foundation Against Human Trafficking and Slavery – will conduct research, development and training on the phenomenon of human trafficking in all its aspects, such as, among other things, forced labour, migration, modern slavery, reintegration of persons affected by human trafficking or the state of social awareness of the occurrence of the above phenomena.

In order to carry out the above research, the Centre will cooperate with researchers representing various scientific disciplines (such as legal sciences, security sciences, sociology, and psychology), as well as other research units, but also with law clinics, non-governmental organisations and practitioners dealing with human trafficking issues in their professional activity.

Team leader dr Marta Rostropowicz-Miśko
Adjunct: dr Kamila Kasperska-Kurzawa
Assistant: dr Andrzej Łydka
Senior lecturer: dr Arleta Augustyniak (stanowisko dydaktyczne)
Senior lecturer: mgr Jerzy Korwin Małaczyński (stanowisko dydaktyczne)

Team leader: dr Rafał Wielki
Adjunct: dr Katarzyna Biczysko-Pudełko
Adjunct: dr Krzysztof Mucha
Adjunct: dr Patrycja Banaszak-Grzechowiak
Assistant: mgr Weronika Grabalska (stanowisko dydaktyczne)

Team leader: dr Magdalena Gołowkin-Heudała
Adjunct: dr Piotr Gil
Adjunct: dr Aleksandra Wilk
Senior lecturer: dr Arleta Augustyniak
Senior lecturer:mgr Jerzy Korwin Małaczyński

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