On April 16, 2021, the Faculty of Law and Administration/Institute of Legal Sciences of the University of Opole will host the 1st National Scientific Conference – Finance and New Technologies. Legal Aspects. The organizers of the conference are Scientific Circles operating at the Faculty of Law and Administration – the Scientific Circle of Financial Markets and the Scientific Circle IUS NET.
Participation in the conference is free, pre-registration in electronic form is required due to the requirements of RODO and technical limitations due to the very high interest in the event. The conference will be held online.
The conference will consist of four panels – two expert panels and two competitively selected doctoral-student panels. The expert panels will feature leading specialists in new technologies in finance, who are both legal theorists and practitioners.
Patrons of the event are the Banking Law Monitor, the Allerhand Institute in Krakow, the Aureus Financial Law Association in Opole and Szostek_Bar and Partners Law Firm in Wroclaw.
Below are links to registration and the event.
1) conference enrollment – https://forms.gle/xwyfdcgXRCyVvSjf8
2) Facebook event – https://www.facebook.com/events/212935020541526
Institute of Legal Sciences
ul. Katowicka 87a,
45-067 Opole
phone: +48 77 452 75 02,
e-mail: inpuo@uni.opole.pl
University of Opole
Kopernika 11a
45-040 Opole, Poland
Rector’s Office
Tel.: +4877 541 59 03
Chancellor’s Office
tel.: +48 77 541 60 70
NIP: 754-000-71-79
Regon: 000001382
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